Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract in English, of maximum 600 words (as a .doc / .docx extension text file). The abstracts can be submitted using the online form, found below, no latter than 15th December 2019 10 January 2020 (extended deadline).

To submit your abstract please follow the instructions outlined below:

  • Enter the corresponding author details.
  • Enter the type of presentation that is preferred (oral or poster).
  • Enter the title of your abstract.
  • Enter the conference topic that is most appropriate for your abstract.
  • Enter the name of presenting author.
  • Upload the abstract file named OpenEarth2020_YourSurname.
  • Upload your abstract as doc/docx document.

Your abstract must follow the template guidelines, outlined bellow:

  • Abstracts must not exceed 600 words
  • All page margins (top, bottom, right and left) are three (3) cm
  • Use single line spacing, in full alignment, with 12-point Calibri font
  • The order of presentation should be: Title, Authors, Author Details, Keywords, Abstract Text
  • The title of the abstract should be in capital letters and 14-point size, centered and bold
  • The authors’ names should be in lowercase, first with the surname and then with the name
  • Add an asterisk (*) after the name of the author responsible for the correspondence
  • After authors’ names and on another line, mention 4 to 5 keywords,
  • Indicate which conference topic is appropriate for your work
  • Insert a single space between: title, authors’ names, authors’ affiliation, keywords and abstract
Contact persons: Georgios Zagklis, Stamatis Kavasilis, Phone: +30 2108180232, E-mail:

The best OpenEARTH 2019 papers will be published after evaluation in a special issue of:
Science of the Total Environment (Guest Editors: Dr George Bartzas, Dr Maria Doula, Prof. Konstantinos Komnitsas),
Sustainability MDPI (Guest Editors Assist. Prof. Antonis A. Zorpas, Assoc. Prof. Meidi Jequirim, and Dr Maria Doula),
Desalination and Water Treatment
(Guest Editors: Assist. Prof. Antonis A. Zorpas and Dr Maria Doula),
Global Net Journal
(Guest Editors Assist. Prof. Antonis A. Zorpas and Assoc. Prof. Demetris F. Lekkas)



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