7th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management Crete Island, Greece, 26–29 June 2019

The Conference aims to address the significant issue of sustainable solid waste management through the promotion of safe practices & effective technologies. The Conference focuses mainly on modern solid waste technologies. It aims to stimulate the interest of scientists and citizens and inform them about the latest developments in the field of municipal solid waste management. Deadline for abstract submission: 31/12/2018. A full day site visit-excursion will take place on 29th June 2019 including visits to waste management facilities. An executive training (PhD summer school) on waste management will take place from 24th to 25th June 2019 including Proposal Writing…


The 1st stakeholders meeting in Sofia

The first meeting between project partners and stakeholders (policy makers and representatives of national and regional authorities) from all participating countries took place on 18 October in Sofia, Bulgaria. Stakeholders participation in BalkanROAD is a strong project advantage that will bring its results close to policy makers and authorities. During the 1st meeting, the participants discussed the outputs of the GAP analysis regarding the question “Which are the obstacles that prevent agribusinesses to adopt alternative and environment friendly practices?” and defined solutions and proposals to be considered in the future project actions. Stakeholders critically assessed the available information and suggested solutions and…


Visit at the MOPF pilot area

The team of the Benaki Phytopathological Institute and the coordinator of BalkanROAD visited the pilot area of MOPF. During the visit, both teams cooperated and defined the key steps of the peppers processing procedure to be considered in the ROAD tool and also discussed about processes and procedures that could be improved in order to reduce the environmental footprint of the final marketable product of MOPF.


The 2nd meeting of BalkanROAD project

The partners of BalkanROAD project met on 12 October 2018 in North Macedonia. A fruitful cooperation and discussions regarding past and future activities of the project took place. For the next six months and until the 3rd project meeting, BalkanROAD consortium is focusing on developing the ROAD tool (the software) and on the wide communication of the project.


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